
General information
The present legal Warning has been elaborated with respect and fulfillment of the dispositions gathered in Statutory law 15/1999, of 13 of December, Protection of Personal Character data and in Law 34/2002, of 11 of Julio, Services of the Society of the Information and of Electronic Commerce.
The present Legal Warning regulates the use and use of the Vestibule, to which is acceded through the Internet address, that H&L Group LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY (in ahead, H&L), and registered in the Mercantile Registry of Madrid, it makes available of the users of Internet.
The mentioned page Web has been designed to present the information, activities and services offered by H&L.
The use of the Vestibule attributes the condition of user of the same one (in ahead, the User) and implies the acceptance of all the conditions including in this Legal Warning, having to read the User kindly the present Legal Warning in each one of the occasions in which it sets out to use the Vestibule, since their conditions of use can undergo modifications.
The access to the Vestibule is free and gratuitous safe in the relative thing to the cost of the connection through the network of telecommunications provided by the supplier of access contracted by the users.
The use of certain services offered to the Users through the Vestibule can be put under own particular conditions (in ahead, the "Particular Conditions") that, according to the cases, they the present replace, they complete and/or they modify Legal Warning. Therefore, prior to the use of these services, the User also has to read the corresponding Particular Conditions kindly.
In any case it is necessary to emphasize that that H&L serves has the price that is indicated in the corresponding commercial supply and, in no case, are lent through the Vestibule.
The duration in the present agreement has a character limited the use of Vestibule, consequently the contract will finalize at the moment at which the Users become disconnected of the Vestibule.
Use of the vestibule
The User must the present make a correct use of the Vestibule in accordance with the Law and Legal Warning, having to respond of the damages and damages that could be caused as a result of breach of this obligation.
In case that the User wants to send his CV to H&L through the Vestibule, it will have to facilitate the data that are required to him.
Also, the information that facilitates the User through the form of the Vestibule will have to be truthful. Therefore, the User guarantees the authenticity of all those data that communicates and it is commited to maintain the facilitated information perfectly updated so that it responds, at any moment, to the real situation of the User, being the only person in charge of the false or inexact manifestations that it makes and of the damages that it causes to H&L or to third by the information that it facilitates.
Intellectual and industrial property
H & L Group LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY all rights reserved all on the commercial marks, names or other distinguishing signs, the patents, and the intellectual property, with respect to the content and design of this Vestibule of Internet.
In individual, the contents that appear or can appear in the Vestibule (texts, photographies, graphs, images, icons, software, links, graphical design, source code, etc.) they are titularidad of H&L or of third that are authorized specifically to H&L to include them in the Vestibule. In no case it will be understood that H&L grants the Usuary one licenses some or that it resigns, it transmits, or it yields total or partially his rights on these contents, nor that no right of transformation, operation, reproduction, distribution or public communication confer on the contents.
Similarly, the commercial marks, names and other exposed distinguishing signs in this Vestibule are property of their respective holders. The User accepts that the access to this Service of Internet does not have to be understood like the tacit concession, by virtue of the doctrine of the own acts or by another mechanism, of no license or right of use of any mark, commercial name or any other distinguishing sign that appears in this Vestibule, without the previous consent in writing of H&L or their respective holders.
H&L is not forced to verify the veracity, exactitude and the present time of the information provided through their page Web. H&L does not take responsibility of the decisions taken from the information provided in the Vestibule, nor of the damages and damages produced in the User in the occasion of performances that have like only foundation the data obtained in the Vestibule, since the contents of this page are of general character and they do not constitute, the benefit of professional services of any type, reason why this information is insufficient for the professional or enterprise decision making on the part of the User.
The access to the Vestibule does not imply the obligation on the part of H&L to control the virus absence or any other harmful computer science element, corresponding to the User the availability of tools adapted for the detection and disinfection of harmful computer science programs, reason why H&L does not take responsibility of the damages produced in the computer science teams of the Users or of third during the benefit of the service of the Vestibule.
H&L does not take responsibility of the damages or damages produced in the User that bring cause of failures or disconnections in the networks of telecommunications that produce the suspension, cancellation or interruption of the service of the Vestibule during the benefit of the same one or with previous or later character.
Protection of personal data
H&L guarantees that it fulfills the levels of security required by the Regulation of Safety measures of the automated files that contain personal character data approved by Real Decree 994/1999, of 11 of June.
The User will be able to exercise the rights of access, rectification, cancellation and opposition going to person in charge of the file through "Conatacto".
This page Web does not use cookies. The cookies are automatic procedures of collection of information relative to the preferences determined by a user during their visit to a certain page Web.
The present Legal Warning is governed in all and each one of its ends by the Spanish law and any controversy derived from the same one will be solved by the Courts and Courts of Capital Madrid.


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